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Council member request: JEDI-AAEM the Justice Equity Diversity & Inclusion section at the American Academy of Emergency Physicians

My name is Paul Petersen. I am co-Chair of JEDI-AAEM the Justice Equity Diversity & Inclusion section at the American Academy of Emergency Physicians.

I am reaching out in an attempt to increase NA/AI representation in the leadership of our organization. AAEM is a democratic is a democratic organization committed to standing up for the individual practicing Emergency Physician.

I would like to ask if you have any recommendations to serve on our council. Board Certified Attending Emergency Physicians, Emergency medicine residents and medical students are welcome.

NA/AI Emergency physicians, residents and medical students are also invited to attend our Scientific Assembly for free in Baltimore April 23-27

We are comprising a diverse council to forward the mission of JEDI-AAEM. We are developing mentorship programs, podcasts, webinars, and pipelines to increase URIM minorities footprint Emergency Medicine.

Please let me know if you recommend any of your members to serve on our Council, in Leadership and attend our Scientific Assembly.

One Love,

Paul L. Petersen, MD FAAEM
co-Chair JEDI AAEM Section
Clinical Faculty, Residency in Emergency Medicine
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach
email paulslc@me.com